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The Federation is composed of three different categories of membership:

  1. NGO Members working in the disability and related sectors.

  2. Individual Members.

  3. Corporate Members.

The number of individual and corporate members within the Federation has increased steadily year after year, consistent with the increased level of national representation and various increased initiatives, both of which have registered marked increase in frequency and in interaction with clients and members throughout the years.

Our NGO Members include the following established organisations, associations and institutions, all fully paid up and active within the Federation. You can also click on their respective links so that you can view the organisations’ respective web pages. 

As one can note from the below information, the Federation represents the biggest and most active non-governmental organisations operating in the disability field, some as representative organisations whilst others as service providers.


ADHD Family Support Group

The group was set up by parents needing to get proper help for their children in 1996. Their main aims are to support, empower, educate and encourage anyone dealing with ADHD and related conditions and to advocate for the rights of people with ADHD. They obtained information and research material on the subject matter mainly from the US and the UK. They then decided to share their knowledge with others and sensitize professionals along the way too. ADHD Malta is a member of the Malta Health Network, founding member of ADHD Europe, members of the EPHA (European Public Health Alliance), EPF (European Patients Forum) and IAPO (International Alliance of Patients Organisations)


Arthritis & Rheumatism Association Malta (ARAM) 

ARAM is composed of patients with arthritis whose aim is to help and support patients with arthritis.It's youth group serves as the voice of this community. As a member of the Eular Young PARE network, we strive to provide support and information to young people, break down stigma, and educate employers. Our goal is to raise awareness of RDMs, particularly among young people, in order to promote social and work inclusion and improve overall wellbeing.

To achieve our mission, Y-ARAM focuses on promoting learning skills such as action planning, relaxation techniques, communication with health professionals and family, education about nutrition and physical activity, pacing, recognizing and preventing relapses. By improving attitudes, knowledge, and behaviours related to health, we aim to improve health outcomes for young people with RDMs.


Autism Parents’ Association

APA has been set up by parents of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Currently including nearly 300 family members in the association; all of whom are parents of children with the spectrum of Autism. The aims of the Association is to create awareness in our local society, since Autism is a condition which is not visible and the number of children being diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) is on the increase year on year. Unfortunately, parents pass through lots of hardships primarily to obtain diagnosis and secondly to identify the needs of their children.


Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association

It is estimated that there are more than 4,000 people who have epilepsy in the Maltese Islands. The Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association (CMEA) was set up by voluntary workers in 1996 and now lists almost 400 members.  In May 2001 the Association was accepted as a Full Member of the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE). 

The Association is for persons with Epilepsy and their families.  It aims to promote education and local awareness about epilepsy, especially because of the stigma suffered by people with this condition in society, particularly in employment.  Our campaign is aimed at improving health care services, treatment and social acceptance of epilepsy, as a serious yet treatable brain disorder.  Raising public and professional awareness and dispelling myths about epilepsy is one of our key objectives through media, talks, publications, videos and leaflets. To date, we have held various national conferences as can be seen on the national and international conferences page.

CMEA regularly organises in-service courses for teachers and facilitators in conjunction with the Education Department. We endeavour to send representatives of our association to international conferences to gain more insight about epilepsy and its’ management and meet other organisations in order to broaden our knowledge and experiences.

Meetings for members are held 2nd Friday of alternative months.  During these meetings, professionals in different areas are invited to give talks about their respective subjects.  Sometimes these meetings are a means of experience sharing and support seeking.  All that is shared during these meetings is treated with the strictest respect and everyone pledges to uphold confidentiality. 

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Dar il-Kaptan

The Foundation for Respite Care Services is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO), committed to providing a professional respite service to persons with disability and their families.
Leading to Independence – Facilitate daily living and social skills, to develop and encourage self-worth, confidence and independence.

Dar tal-Providenza

Dar tal-Providenza

Id-Dar tal-Providenza was founded by in 1965 with the aim of offering a home with a warm and family-like environment for persons with disabilities who for some reason or another cannot stay living with their family. Since than Id-Dar tal-Providenza has supported its residents to participate in and enjoy the quality of life within the community. Today Id-Dar tal-Providenza is made up of five residences: Villa Monsinjur Gonzi, Villa Papa Giovanni and Villa Papa Luciani. It also includes four community homes, called Żerniq in Siġġiewi, Akkwarell in Qawra, Dar Pirotta in Birkirkara and Shalom in Żurrieq. At the moment, Id-Dar host approximately hundred and ten persons between the ages of fourteen and eighty years. It also offers respite services on a regular basis to families of persons with disabilities, thus offering them support to enable the disabled family member to continue to live within their family. Some of the residents spend their day by attending activities outside the home namely day centres. Few others have a job within the home or outside the home. Four million euros per year are required for the running of the Homes. Most of the money goes for the wages of about 200 workers who support the residents in their daily needs. About 200 other highly committed volunteers also give their support on a regular basis.

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Down Syndrome Association

The Down Syndrome Association is one of Malta’s biggest and leading disability NGOs. Its aims are to encourage people who have Down syndrome to fulfill their potential for successful and happy lives, in a society that recognises their abilities and is supportive of their needs; to contact parents of newly born babies who have Down syndrome as early as possible and to provide counselling and support particularly in the early stages of a baby's life; to represent the interests and needs of people who have Down syndrome in all aspects of life and individuals' needs, as members of the family and the community; to increase public awareness and understanding of the nature of Down syndrome people so they can lead a rewarding and full life and to press for better services and greater choice in the facilities offered to children and adults who have Down syndrome, such as education, therapy, training and independent living. 

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Equal Partners Foundation

Equal Partners Foundation is a parent run foundation established in 1999, with the primary objective of supporting individuals with disability and learning difficulties. The Foundation is a leader in innovative inclusive practices. “To be in partnership with individuals with disabilities, their families and the community, and to promote and facilitate informed personal choices and meaningful lives.” This is the mission statement of the Equal Partners Foundation, which was set up when a group of 12 families, all parents of children with a disability, shared their need to feel more involved in their children’s education.

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Fondazzjoni Arka

Founded on the 3rdof December 2000, The Arka Foundation is a voluntary, non-governmental organization that promotes the welfare of people with special needs and their families. It aims at creating and fostering a positive attitude towards the disabled; enriching the quality of life of disabled people; promoting community integration and access by the loaning of special aids and equipment; forming links in the local community by organizing excursions and similar activities and facilitating support groups for the disabled.

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Fondazzjoni Nanniet Malta

Nanniet (Grandparents) Malta is a community-based organisation which has the goal to improve the relationship and well-being between Grandparents and their Grandchildren through collective activities benefiting themselves and their community. Grandparents Malta Foundation was created on 23 September 2013 by Philip M Chircop after obtaining, on this day, the Distinguished Patronage of HE Dr George Abela, President of Malta. GRANDPARENTS DAY was established for the first time in Malta by 'Nanniet Malta' (Grandparents Malta Foundation) with the aim to instil in our siblings respect for our forefathers and to encourage them to look up to their Grandparents not only on this day, but throughout their lives. Grandparents DAY was celebrated for the first time in 2013 on Sunday 20 October, highlighting Grandparents’ Mission in the Maltese Family Life. Knowing full well that an increasing number Grandparents members interact continuously with their grandchildren who have physical and/or intellectual disabilities, the NGO works hand in hand with the disability federation to project information and skills to its members.

Fondazzjoni San Lazzru

Fondazzjoni San Lazzru

The St. Lazarus Foundation is the local charitable and philanthropic arm of the international confraternity of Lazarites, actively registered in the United Nations and representing 14,000 members worldwide. The Foundation financially assists various local and international projects related to persons with disability, has its own inbuilt Believe in Me Project for persons with disability and is an active member of various platforms including the European Disability Forum, Inclusion Europe and Inclusion International. Its local membership surpasses the 300 mark and to date, nearly Eur 400,000 have been donated to various institutions and projects, including initiatives directly related to persons with disability.


Fondazzjoni Wens

Fondazzjoni Wens is committed to enhance the quality of life of disabled persons through innovative personalised support, expertise, and advocacy. It ensures that disabled persons can execute their right to fully participate within community life. The Foundation runs Dar il-Wens Residential Homes in Kalkara and Fgura and The Independent Living Apartments in Paola. These are places of respite and support that ensure optimal training of these persons to attain independent living skills. We aim to develop the potential of the disabled individual and the quality of life enjoyed by that individual. The Foundation creates numerous initiatives for its residents, including edutainment opportunities, recreational projects, work-related initiatives and social and cultural excursions on a monthly basis.

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Ghaqda Hbieb Sptar Monte Carmeli

The Friends of Mount Carmel Hospital Society seeks to promote awareness within the community towards persons who are receiving treatment at Mt Carmel Hospital. This is achieved by acting as a link between the hospital and the community and by being of assistance so that services delivered within Mount Carmel Hospital would be of greater benefit to users. Beneficiaries of this NGO also include those persons who are receiving treatment at both St Luke’s Hospital and Mater Dei Hospital, specifically the Psychiatric Unit and Outpatients, the Child Guidance Clinic and Psychiatric Outpatients.

Ghaqda Matija Persuni Neqsin mid-Dawl

Ghaqda Maltija Persuni Neqsin mid-Dawl

The overall aim of the Malta Society of the Blind (MSB) is to enable people to live an independent life of their choice. The impact of vision loss for each individual varies, depending on what they wish to achieve, as well as the type and degree of vision loss they experience. Any service offered to each individual will differ according to one’s needs.

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Ghaqda Zghazagh b’Dizabbilta

The Ghaqda Zghazagh b’Dizabbilta was founded by Ronald Galea and an energetic team of youths with various forms of disability in 1976. It was the precursor of the Fondazzjoni Wens. However, throughout these years, the Disabled Youths Organisation always managed to find a team of dynamic youths to further the aims of the organisation, which have to date remained unchanged. The aims of this NGO is to create a synergic environment for disabled youths and offer them the best possibilities of communal integration, independent living, assisted employment and other services. The NGO has, throughout the years, endeavoured to participate in a number of projects, including joint projects with other disability NGOs, with funding allocated from the national and EU sources.

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Hand in Hand

Hand in Hand offers centre-based therapy, parent training, LSe and teacher training, social groups, home intervention, school- and community-based support and Speech Therapy. Our professional BCBA- supervised team devotes their time to fully accommodate your child’s educational and developmental


Hila Homes

HILA’s belief is encompassed in its mission statement: “Empowering persons through choice and developing individual abilities towards an inclusive and fulfilling life.” Through HILA, CareMalta believes that it is in a unique position to offer respite services and also operate and manage residential facilities for persons with disabilities. Embarking in this new sector, serving persons with disabilities, is a natural extension of the capabilities and range of services offered by CareMalta Group. HILA first inauguarated Casa Apap Bologna in Mosta. Casa Apap Bologna is a beautiful town house situated in the heart of Mosta.  Previously owned by a magistrate, it carries with it an element of prestige as a highly renowned home in its area.  The house is strategically located in the centre of the community, serving well those residents who would wish to avail themselves of services offered in the area, since everything is within close distance.  Its positioning also promotes inclusion, which is something HILA strongly believes in.  HILA’s second home, Casa Santa Monica in Qormi, operates as an Independent Supported Living home for long-term stays. HILA believes that it will have a cutting edge in this service provision as it will be offering a set up where, irrespective of the level of dependency of the resident, it will ensure that a person-centred approach is applied and the abilities of the individual are fully developed.


Inspire Foundation

Inspire believes that everyone has a right to equality and inclusion. Our mission is to try to help everyone with a disability achieve this. We do this by providing individuals and their families with educational, therapeutic and leisure services. We also advocate for inclusion, educate the general public, raise awareness among peers, and hold the best knowledge base on disability on the island. The Inspire foundation is the result of a merger between Eden Foundation and Razzett Tal-Hbiberija – two  leading charities that worked in the feild of disability. The two organisations transferred all their resources and employees over to the new foundation, which now provides all the services in a one-stop-shop model avoiding duplication, enhancing service delivery and being more cost effective, leading to long term sustainability and added value. Today, Inspire helps over 1000 individuals with various disabilities ranging from Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and others. We do this through many services and disability programmes that are offered at a highly subsidised rate or sometimes even for free.

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Malta Association of Crohm's Disease and Colitis

The Malta Association of Crohn's and Colitis (MACC) is a registered (VO/ 379) non-profit-making organisation supporting the needs of patients suffering from Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis. MACC aims to offer support and information to persons and relatives of persons suffering from Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, and to promote public awareness about these two chronic conditions. MACC strives to help patients suffering from these conditions to enhance their self-confidence, improve their quality of life and improve their overall wellbeing. MACC also intends to promote patients' needs and rights and to encourage and promote research on these conditions. MACC became affiliated with the European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) during the annual general conference of EFCCA held in Helsinki, Finland in April, 2010.


Malta Association of Supported Employment

After years of creating awareness on a national level for the need of introducing supported employment in Malta for the betterment of persons with disability and also for vulnerable persons in Malta and Gozo, the Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability (MFOPD) set up, in 2014, the Malta Association of Supported Employment with the cooperation and interaction of various non-governmental organisations and government authorities and entities. During 2015 and 2016, MASE was entrusted with funds from the central government in order to run a national pilot project with difficult targets to reach on an annual basis. Utilising only 66% of funds made available, targets were not only reached but were nearly doubled in both years, thus ensuring that supported employment is here to stay. MASE, and MFOPD are satisfied that, today, a number of government entities and NGO service providers are using supported employment as their key tool in order to ensure that disadvantaged and disabled persons are successful in their employment needs.

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Malta Dyslexia Association

MDA is independent, non-profit and non-political. MDA’s main objectives are to advance the education of persons with a profile of SpLD/LD, to procure and provide information to the public, to advance professional practices and to promote and encourage research into Dyslexia and other profiles of SpLD/LD and disseminate the results thereof; to assist educators and other professionals who wish to specialize in the field of Dyslexia and other profiles of SpLD/LD; to support publishing of research papers in SpLD/LD; to co-operate with educational bodies to advance members’ standings; to co-operate with
related organizations locally and internationally, according to established law.

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Malta Guide Dogs Foundation

The Malta Guide Dogs Foundation is a registered NGO whose aim is to offer services for Visually Impaired Persons. It was during 1997 that the National Commission Persons with Disability (KNPD) put forward the idea of setting up a guide dog association to benefit the blind and visually impaired in the Maltese Islands. A small board of directors put together a set of rules and aims, and commenced raising funds for the enterprise. The project moved slowly but almost Lm8,000 (€18,500) was raised by subscription and donations in the following five years. In 2005 it was mooted that the association be reorganised. In July 2006 a charitable foundation was formed with a board of directors representing blind aid associations in Malta and Gozo. The first meeting of the reconstituted board was held on Wednesday, July 19, 2006. The principle aims of the Malta Guide Dogs Foundation are to:

a) ensure equal opportunities for all, in particular for blind and visually impaired persons;

b) provide specific mobility services for blind and visually impaired persons where and when the need arises, especially the provision of guide dog services;

c) ensure that all public and private services in the Maltese Islands are accessible to all, including blind and visually impaired persons; and

d) provide all necessary services for blind and visually impaired persons to achieve the maximum quality of life.

Malta Sport For All

Malta Sport For All

Malta Sport For All (MSFA) is a multi-sport organization based in Birkirkara. The Organization is autonomous, independent and based on the principle of volunteering. It excludes any promotion of private interests and is not established for the scope of profit. Organization is an apolitical and non-confessional association which aim is to promote, to organise, to regulate and to spread of Sports among all people, all disabilities. Its structure is based on egalitarian criteria, aimed at guarantying the right to take part in the sport practise to all its members, in condition to equality.

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ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Alliance

The ME, CFS & Fibromyalgia Alliance (Malta) is a network providing for individuals with ME, CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and FM (Fibromyalgia) conditions and their respective Support and Carer Groups, advocating public awareness.

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Mental Health Association Gozo

Mental Health Association Gozo is an organisation which aims to promote
positive mental health and to actively support persons with mental illness,
their families and carers by identifying their needs and advocating their rights.

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Mental Health Association Malta

The Mental Health Association of Malta (MHAM) was set up in 1982 by Professor Abram Galea, some Mount Carmel Hospital Staff and other individuals, in order to help the families of persons suffering from mental ill health. At the time, it was known as the Schizophrenia Association but in 1998 the association’s name was changed to cater for various types of mental ill health. The main aims of the MHAM are to educate the family members in how to cope with a family member suffering from mental ill health, apart from raising awareness on mental ill health in order to reduce the stigma surrounding these types of illnesses. Thus, the Association organises several support groups for carers where the latter can share experiences and support each other. The Association also organises a series of psycho-educational lectures where professionals in the field of mental health impart knowledge about mental illness to the relatives of the mentally ill.

Moviment Favur id-Drittijiet ta' Persuni b'Dizabilita

Moviment Favur id-Drittijiet ta' Persuni b'Dizabilita

The disability rights movement is a global social movement to secure equal opportunities and equal rights for all people with disabilities. It is locally represented by means of the MFDPD. The movement is made up of organizations of disability activists around the world working together with similar goals and demands, such as: accessibility and safety in architecture, transportation, and the physical environment; equal opportunities in independent living, employment equity, education, and housing; and freedom from discrimination, abuse, neglect, and from other rights violations. Disability activists are working to break institutional, physical, and societal barriers that prevent people with disabilities from living their lives like other citizens.

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Malta

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Malta

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Malta - VO/43 - was founded in 1997 and provides a voluntary means to enhance and expand public awareness, individual and family services and rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It primarily offers subsidised physiotherapy to its members with Multiple Sclerosis and group psychotherapy for the whole family. It also seeks new knowledge, disseminates it and applies it for the benefit of persons with MS. The total number of members is 180, comparable to the fact that people in Malta known to have MS amounts to 320. The Society improves the life of MS patients by subsidising many different forms of therapy, mainly physiotherapy. This is possible thanks to the hard work of several people, and the funds that we raise.

National Association of Pensioners

National Association of Pensioners

The group was set up by parents needing to get proper help for their children in 1996. Their main aims are to support, empower, educate and encourage anyone dealing with ADHD and related conditions and to advocate for the rights of people with ADHD. They obtained information and research material on the subject matter mainly from the US and the UK. They then decided to share their knowledge with others and sensitize professionals along the way too. ADHD Malta is a member of the Malta Health Network, founding member of ADHD Europe, members of the EPHA (European Public Health Alliance), EPF (European Patients Forum) and IAPO (International Alliance of Patients Organisations)

National Parents’ Society of Persons with Disability

National Parents’ Society of Persons with Disability

NPSPD is an organisation which caters for the needs of people with disabilty and their families and organises a number of activities throughout the year. It is also a leader in bringing forth disability issues to the public domain and engages in discussion with all parties who have at heart the interests of people
with disability.

Opening Doors Malta

Opening Doors Malta

We are an arts organisation that provides opportunities for adults (18+) with diverse intellectual needs. We have a Theatre group, a Dance group and a Music group who meet for classes once or twice a week. We also do performances and Open-Air Jams for the public in outdoor and indoor spaces in various localities on the Maltese islands. Our core activities are funded by the Arts Council of Malta through the Cultural Partnerships Agreement, and Premju tal- President ghall-Kreattivita’. The Association’s ethos is to promote creative processes and artistic skill with adults with learning disabilities, and therefore all our projects engage adults with learning disabilities in processes that facilitate the creation of their own work and aesthetic, and empower them to take ownership of this work and process. The association manages to address its ambitious plans thanks to the creative professionals engaged to develop projects, to our active volunteers, artists and members whose commitment and energy drives us to achieve more. Opening Doors Association exists because the members believe in cultural rights and accessibility. Together we are committed to the creative expression of people with learning disabilities.



ParaVolley Malta was set up to organise and regulate volleyball for people with a disability in Malta and Gozo. It is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to develop various forms of volleyball (sitting volley, standing volley, sitting beach volley and standing beach volley) at all levels for persons with a physical
disability. ParaVolley Malta is affiliated with both ParaVolley Europe (PVE) and World ParaVolley (WPV).

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Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund (PHRF)

A very disturbing calamity struck the Maltese Islands toward the end of 1942 and early 1943. It was the outbreak of poliomyelitis which baffled, to a very large extent, the local medical authorities and it affected mostly children. It was reckoned at the time that about 369 had fallen victims, apart from those (18) who had died. Mrs. F.C.R. Douglas, the wife of the then Governor of Malta, immediately realized the problem and she succeeded in getting the support of a group of co-workers to set up the The Infantile Paralysis Rehabilitation Fund to raise fund towards the building of a Rehabilitation Centre to afford training suitable to those affected and so that when they grow up they would be independent and useful citizens rather than a liability to themselves, their families and the state.


This objective was never lost sight of and those that succeeded Mrs. Douglas kept in mind this aim and, throughout the years, they endeavoured to organize rehabilitation schemes in different localities whereby the paraplegics realized what was essential primarily and foremost that, in spite of their disability, they should live a normal life in a dignified manner. 


On the 14th of February 1971, the Rehabilitation Centre had its foundation stone laid by Lady Dorman, the president of the Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation fund, on a plot of land at Corradino Paola provided by the government. The Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Centre was completed and functional in a couple of years.


The Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Centre today hosts three workshops; the computer Lab, the general workshop and the soft toys workshops. These workshops are well attended and the Council is looking of ways and means to enhance the workshops. The Council is run on an entirely voluntary basis thus reducing administration costs to the minimum. 

Prisms Malta

Prisms Malta

Prisms is a group of experienced youth workers and leaders that came together with the aim to cater for the requirements of young people. As an NGO, Prisms is always striving to provide non-formal learning opportunities.


Embrace Diversity

Embrace Diversity was founded to provide a nurturing environment  where children and young people with severe disabilities, sensory issues and intellectual disabilities can thrive. It gives training on communication and how to live a more independent life to children and young people with disabilities. 


Fondazzjoni Nazareth

Fondazzjoni Nazareth was founded as an organisation for people with disabilities. It provides a loving home for people who have no family or are unable to live with their family due to abuse or mistreatment. Fondazzjoni Nazareth currently runs three homes;  Dar Nazareth, Dar l-Arċipriet Degabriele and Dar Jean Vanier.

The Foundation also runs a workshop, named Dar San Ġuzepp Ħaddiem, where residents attend daily and produce work according to their abilities under the direction of the workshop manager. These activities serve as therapy to the residents.


S.T.A.N.D (Striving Towards Ability Not Disability)

S.T.A.N.D (Striving Towards Ability Not Disability) is a registered organisation with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations. It was set up more than twenty years ago and is based in St. Paul’s Bay. It organises several activities for persons with disabilities, such as education, cultural and spiritual events. 


S.T.A.N.D promotes the integration of persons in society, with the main objective of instilling, encouraging and motivating young persons to improve their way of life through communication, training and development to attain the goal of employment. 


S.T.A.N.D offers a number of services to its members, including Speech therapy, Educational activities and various social gatherings.

Torball Society of the Blind

Torball Society of the Blind

The Torball Society of the Blind is a non-profit, legally-acknowledged society with the aim of improving independence in society amongst blind and visually-impaired, Maltese citizens. The primary target of the Torball Society of the Blind is to promote the involvement of blind people in Malta and Gozo in all
sectors of life. Within the committee, there are sighted members who in conjunction with the non-sighted members, dedicate their time to help blind people by organising various activities both indoor and outdoor. A typical example would be get-together dinners for non-sighted persons as an opportunity to interact and have a leisurely time. Indoor sports events such as the game of Torball, are organised to motivate partially sighted and non- sighted persons to lead a healthier lifestyle.

T1D Little Warriors

T1D Little Warriors

The T1D Little Warriors was recently established in Malta as a non-profit organization dedicated solely to the support of research in Type 1 diabetes and to provide the best possible clinical and educational programs for people, especially young children, with the disease. The Foundation’s mission is to raise funds to support these initiatives, to coordinate with similar European and international organisation who have more research backed studies and information which we can use and disseminate locally and to ensure that T1D is properly understood and noted by everyone, since children who are not promptly diagnosed with T1D suffer severe complications needlessly.

Voice for Inclusion Gozo

Voice for Inclusion Gozo

The Voice for Inclusion Gozo (VIGA) acts an autonomous group for the benefit
of persons with disability residents in Gozo.
VIGA was instituted to strive in order to better the opportunities available for
people with disabilities  living in our society.


The Malta Trust Foundation

The Malta Trust Foundation (TMTF) was established with the specific purpose to develop initiatives that support children, young people and communities that are facing particular challenges who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. The Foundation brings together academics, psychosocial professionals, the business community, and civil society organisations with the aim of delivering a tangible impact in gaps within existing services. The Foundation stresses the importance of not duplicating current services and support, which are already being offered by other entities. The Foundation seeks to support vulnerable communities through initiatives that are both educational and empowering in aiding individuals to reach their full potential, with an emphasis on projects of a psychosocial nature.

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