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Small Initiative Support Scheme (SISS) 2021
MFOPD’s 50th anniversary publication

As had happened to many, the pandemic ruined everything – our lives and all that we had worked for. MFOPD had to cancel all the activities it had been working on and which were planned for 2020, its 50th anniversary. These were put on hold to take place in 2021. But once again these events had to be cancelled as the Covid-19 pandemic persisted.

Such an anniversary was a must to commemorated and MFOPD found a way to do so with a publication as a momento. This thought brought with it questions and thoughts: where was MFOPD going to get the finances to cover the costs? What should one find in this publication? Who could help MFOPD to have a special publication worthy of this commemoration?

The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) was very helpful in enabling MFOPD issue this publication. This publication was funded through the Small Initiative Support Scheme (SISS) with the same scheme guiding us what to find in this publication.

The publication was to be the bridge between the fifty years of MFOPD’s history and the present, and the future through its members’ articles  stating what they want to see happen in the near future.

This publication which has been uploaded on MFOPD’s website contains several articles on different topics all of which are of interest to people with disabilities.

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