MFOPD's Patron

Message by H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono, President of Malta
Over the years, we have witnessed societal transformations in accessibility, acceptance, show of respect and dignity and the creation of inclusive policies that prioritize equality for all individuals, regardless of ability.
The work done by the Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability since its establishment in 1970, ensuring that society understands the needs of people with disability is commendable.
Through advocacy, technological innovation, and increased awareness, the Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability has been able to provide individuals with disabilities with a stronger voice, greater independence in conducting their daily lives, and access to platforms that were once unimaginable.
The concept of inclusion in society is a priority consideration for the Federation. The Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability upholds and actively fosters a vision of a more inclusive Malta. Whether in education, employment, or community life, the Federation remains committed to creating a society where everyone has a place, and where diversity is celebrated as a strength.
The Federation believes that it is essential that the services offered to persons with disabilities remain person-oriented and continue to not only focus on physical support but also to offer comprehensive mental health care. By addressing these needs holistically, we ensure that every individual can lead a fulfilling and empowered life, both mentally and physically.
I have full faith in the commitment of the Malta Federation of Organisations Persons with Disability to carry on with its sterling contribution of representing the requirements and voices of all forty four enrolled organisations within its structure.