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The proposed project will involve 5 participating countries across the EU and it is set to commence in September 2017 and end by August of 2020. The objective of this initiative is to create a set of modules which will assist persons of an intellectual disability to engage in independent living. This will be achieved by focusing on the current need to enhance communication, literacy and numeracy skills of persons with an intellectual disability so that they will have the means to be fully integrated within the social and economic national frameworks and also to be able to realize their inherent rights for independent living. 


By means of this project we will create 3 Modules focused on improving the communicative, literacy and numeracy skills for persons of an intellectual disability (i) living on their own; (ii) living with immediate or extended families; and (iii) living in residential/communal homes. The developed Modules will reflect the different needs of the mentioned categories of this project's target group. 


The activities of this project will be the following: 

1) Research 

2) Development of Modules 

3) Pilot Activities 

4) Multiplier


Event Many researchers have shown that persons with an intellectual disability are very vulnerable and more likely to have a denser propensity per capita to be listed as low skilled or low qualified adults in a country's demographic employment analysis. However, no research to date has professionally and methodically analysed what type of services and subsidies - be they regional, national, transnational or indeed offered by civil society pressure groups - are presently available throughout the various EU countries for this population grouping. Thus, before the development of each Module, this project will constitute a research study (encompassing all the EU countries) which will seek to list and catalogue available subsidies, programmes and incentives in this field for the intellectually disabled. The research will also seek to establish if such available opportunities are being maximised by the grouping in question and, if not, why are there such shortfalls in the respective jurisdictions which will be monitored. Additionally, this research will inevitably underline harmonious and quasi-identical initiatives in this sector evident in the various EU countries and highlight initiatives and regulations which are available in some jurisdictions but not available in all the EU jurisdictions. 


Enhancing our target group's communication and other skills should be seen in the context of providing this group with the necessary tools for integration within society and for stratification betterment of the individuals in question. The project will also segment the various groupings related to persons with intellectual disabilities in order to fully pinpoint the specific needs of the target groups. 


Following the completion of each Module, each participating organisation will provide training to 20 person of an intellectual disability by using the methodology that would have been included in the particular Module. By means of this system the participating organisations will be testing the Modules and at the same time providing training to a total of 360 individual by the end of same project.

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